7 habits of highly successful women
For me, my day job comes first, then my relationships, followed by my side hustles and then myself. Without meaning to sound like one of those preachy, self-help writers, it's 100% the truth and 100% difficult to maintain any kind of "lifestyle" that way. (Thank goodness for scheduled posts!)
I'm trying to get better about this by way of realizing that having a job I care about doesn't mean that I have to give up the things I love to feel like I'm a "good worker". In fact, just the opposite is true; I'm better at my job when I can achieve some sort of balance. My relationships certainly benefit when I don't have to bring my Blackberry to the dinner table or schedule things last minute. But such is life and I have never found this to be more true than the past few months.
But don't just take my word for it. The recipe to living a successful life, (or to life a live you love) comes in a variety of ways and here are a few helpful hints from some of my favorite women to get you started...
Abbey, Framingham/ 21, Student dietician & retail manager
Becca, New York, NY / 24, Publicist
Carla, Medford/ 27, Special Education teacher & basketball coach
Erika, Newton/ 31, Government Affairs
Gina, Wayland / 33, Owner of DanceFIT Studio
Jackie, Lynnfield / 24, Medical Technologist
MaryRose, Boston / 26, Executive Director of the Boston Women's Workforce Council